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What is the Nannestad festival?

The Nannestad Festival is our local community’s celebration of itself and all of us who live here. The festival is held in the heart of Nannestad mid-June every year, simultaneously with the Nannestad Handball Cup.

The festival has its 40th anniversary this year, and attracts about 10,000 visitors.

Our goal is that the Nannestad Festival should be a festival by, for, and about our local community. The festival is the best opportunity of the year to show and get to know everything Nannestad has to offer when it comes to businesses, culture, sports, and volunteer activity. In 2024, we will have a stall street that includes local businesses, locally grown food, and local artisanship; visitors will be able to meet and talk to local politicians, organizations, and associations at their stands; there will be concerts and talks from the main stage, as well as a diversity parade and the traditional fairground; and during the weekend, local heroes will be on stage all day long to provide the audience with entertainment.

Welcome to our festival!


The Nannestad Festival is run by the volunteers of the Nannestad Festival Association, which is a member organization that may be joined by all local associations, political parties, businesses, and other participants belonging to the municipality of Nannestad.

The Board is elected at the annual meeting, and it shall include representatives from volunteer groups, local businesses, and other interest groups. Day-to-day operations are carried out by the Festival Administration, which is elected by the Board.

Who are we?

The Board 2023
Gunnar Haugsbakk
Chairman of the board
Jens Kenneth Ask Hermansen
Board member
Britt Hege Monsen Vestli
Lisbeth Kjønstad
Asbjørn Ristesund
Substitute board member
Administration group 2023
Lisbeth Mirani Valklev
Managing director
96 22 56 10
Stig Dreierstad
Event manager
41 52 28 28
Casper Gyldenberg
93 00 44 28
Jon Moslet
91 73 93 70
Sverre Isaksen
91 18 20 10
Kenneth Støkkebo
92 33 20 00
Nina Becher Nordlie Paulsen
47 86 12 59
Monica Isaksen
97 63 24 60
In addition, many other volunteers contribute to the planning and carrying out of the festival. Would you like to become a volunteer?